Canción "Key West (Philosopher Pirate)"

Te mostramos la letra de La canción Key West (Philosopher Pirate) (Key West (filósofo pirata)), en inglés y traducida al castellano. Si siempre quisiste saber qué decía el tema Key West (Philosopher Pirate), descúbrelo aquí.

Key West (Philosopher Pirate)

McKinley hollered, McKinley squalled
Doctor said, "McKinley, death is on the wall
‪Say it to me, if you got something to confess"
‪I heard all about it, he was going down slow ‬
‪I heard it all, the wireless radio ‬
‪From down in the boondocks way down in Key West
‪I’m searching for love, for inspiration ‬
‪On that pirate radio station
‪Coming out of Luxembourg and Budapest ‬
‪Radio signal, clear as can be
‪I'm so deep in love that I can hardly see ‬
‪Down on the flatlands, way down in Key West

‪Key West is the place to be ‬
‪If you're looking for immortality ‬
‪Stay on the road, follow the highway sign ‬
‪Key West is fine and fair
‪If you lost your mind, you will find it there
‪Key West is on the horizon line

‪I was born on the wrong side of the railroad track
‪Like Ginsberg, Corso and Kerouac
‪Like Louis and Jimmy and Buddy and all the rest ‬
‪Well, it might not be the thing to do ‬
‪But I'm sticking with you through and through ‬
‪Down in the flatlands, way down in Key West
‪I got both my feet planted square on the ground ‬
‪Got my right hand high with the thumb down ‬
‪Such is life, such is happiness
‪Hibiscus flowers, they grow everywhere here
‪If you wear one, put it behind your ear
‪Down in the bottom, way down in Key West ‬

‪Key West is the place to go
‪Down by the Gulf of Mexico ‬
‪Beyond the sea, beyond the shifting sand
‪Key West is the gateway key ‬
‪To innocence and purity ‬
‪Key West, Key West is the enchanted land

‪I've never lived in the land of Oz ‬
‪Or wasted my time with an unworthy cause ‬
‪It’s hot down here, and you can't be overdressed
‪China blossoms of a toxic plant ‬
‪They can make you dizzy, I'd like to help you but I can't
‪Down in the flatlands, way down in Key West ‬
‪Well, the fish tail ponds, and the orchid trees
‪They can give you that bleeding heart disease
‪People tell me I ought to try a little tenderness ‬
‪On Newton Street, Bayview Park ‬
‪Walking in the shadows after dark ‬
‪Down under, way down in Key West ‬
‪I played Gumbo Limbo spirituals
‪I know all the Hindu rituals ‬
‪People tell me that I'm truly blessed ‬
Bougainvillea blooming in the summer, in the spring
Winter here is an unknown thing
Down in the flat lands, way down in Key West

Key West (filósofo pirata)

Letra no disponible

  •   Escrita por: Bob Dylan