Te mostramos la letra de La canción She Belongs to Me (She Belongs To Me), en inglés y traducida al castellano. Si siempre quisiste saber qué decía el tema She Belongs to Me, descúbrelo aquí.
She Belongs To Me
She’s an artist, she don’t look back
She’s got everything she needs
She’s an artist, she don’t look back
She can take the dark out of the nighttime
And paint the daytime black
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole
Down upon your knees
She never stumbles
She’s got no place to fall
She never stumbles
She’s got no place to fall
She’s nobody’s child
The Law can’t touch her at all
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks
She’s a hypnotist collector
You are a walking antique
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
For Halloween give her a trumpet
And for Christmas, buy her a drum
- Escrita por: Bob Dylan
- Ⓒ Copyright: 1965 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1993 by Special Rider Music
- Publicada en los Discos:
- Bringing It All Back Home Self Portrait Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits Volume II The Bootleg Series, Vol 4: Bob Dylan Live 1966 The Bootleg Series, Vol 7: No Direction Home The Original Mono Recordings The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10: Another Self Portrait The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12: The Best of The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12: The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 Deluxe Edition Live 1962-1966 - Rare Performances From The Copyright Collections Bob Dylan - The Rolling Thunder Revue: The 1975 Live Recordings