Canción "Playboys and Playgirls"

Te mostramos la letra de La canción Playboys and Playgirls (Playboys and Playgirls), en inglés y traducida al castellano. Si siempre quisiste saber qué decía el tema Playboys and Playgirls, descúbrelo aquí.

Playboys and Playgirls

Oh, ye playboys and playgirls
Ain’t a-gonna run my world
Ain’t a-gonna run my world
Ain’t a-gonna run my world
Ye playboys and playgirls
Ain’t a-gonna run my world
Not now or no other time

You fallout shelter sellers
Can’t get in my door
Can’t get in my door
Can’t get in my door
You fallout shelter sellers
Can’t get in my door
Not now or no other time

Your Jim Crow ground
Can’t turn me around
Can’t turn me around
Can’t turn me around
Your Jim Crow ground
Can’t turn me around
Not now or no other time

The laughter in the lynch mob
Ain’t a-gonna do no more
Ain’t a-gonna do no more
Ain’t a-gonna do no more
The laughter in the lynch mob
Ain’t a-gonna do no more
Not now or no other time

You insane tongues of war talk
Ain’t a-gonna guide my road
Ain’t a-gonna guide my road
Ain’t a-gonna guide my road
You insane tongues of war talk
Ain’t a-gonna guide my road
Not now or no other time

You red baiters and race haters
Ain’t a-gonna hang around here
Ain’t a-gonna hang around here
Ain’t a-gonna hang around here
You red baiters and race haters
Ain’t a-gonna hang around here
Not now or no other time

Ye playboys and playgirls
Ain’t a-gonna own my world
Ain’t a-gonna own my world
Ain’t a-gonna own my world
Ye playboys and playgirls
Ain’t a-gonna own my world
Not now or no other time

Playboys and Playgirls

Letra no disponible

  •   Escrita por: Bob Dylan
  •   Copyright: 1964, 1968 Warner Bros. Music, renewed 1992, 1996 Special Rider Music
  • Publicada en los Discos: