Te mostramos la letra de La canción Denise (Denise), en inglés y traducida al castellano. Si siempre quisiste saber qué decía el tema Denise, descúbrelo aquí.
Gal, what’s on your mind?
Denise, Denise
Gal, what’s on your mind?
You got your eyes closed
Heaven knows that you ain’t blind
Well, I can see you smiling
But oh your mouth is inside out
I can see you smiling
But you’re smiling inside out
Well, I know you’re laughin’
But what are you laughin’ about
Well, if you’re tryin’ to throw me
Babe, I’ve already been tossed
If you’re tryin’ to throw me
Babe, I’ve already been tossed
Babe, you’re tryin’ to lose me
Babe, I’m already lost
Well, what are you doing
Are you flying or have you flipped?
Oh, what are you doing
Are you flying or have you flipped?
Well, you call my name
And then say your tongue just slipped
Denise, Denise
You’re concealed here on the shelf
Denise, Denise
You’re concealed here on the shelf
I’m looking deep in your eyes, babe
And all I can see is myself